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lady smiling in her south32 uniform


As a global mining and metals company, we create value by producing commodities used in modern life.

Why invest with South32?

Commodities critical to a low-carbon future

We have reshaped our portfolio to capture opportunities from a low-carbon future.

mining truck icon

A portfolio of high-quality growth options

We have established development and greenfield exploration options to discover our next generation of base metals mines.

A disciplined approach to capital management

Our capital management framework supports investment in our business and rewards shareholders as performance improves.

Financial and operational results

south32 workers walking through dirt and rocks

Financial and operational results

View our quarterly, half year and full year results. 

"The portfolio changes we have announced align with our purpose and position South32 to continue supporting the global energy transition.”

- Karen Wood, Chair
Karen Wood, Chair of South32

South32 at a glance

Our commodities















More operations information: What we do Our locations Our commodities

Our FY23 Underlying EBIT was US$1,616M

By commodity

  • Base and precious metals
  • Manganese ore
  • Aluminium value chain
  • Copper
  • Metallurgical coal

By region

  • Australia
  • Africa
  • Americas


FY23 Shareholder returns


FY23 Total taxes and royalties


FY23 Social investment

More financial information: Investors Financial & operational results Annual Reporting Suite

Our approach aligns with international standards and initiatives, including the ICMM Mining Principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

safety performance
1.4 FY23 Lost Time Injury Frequency (per million hours worked)1
reducing our emissions
2050 Goal2 of net zero greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3)
inclusion and diversity
≥40% Our target for all gender representation metrics by FY29

1 Incidents are included where South32 controls the work location or controls the work activity. Lost time injuries include injuries that result in one or more lost work days after the day of the event.

2 ‘Goal’ is defined as an ambition to seek an outcome for which there is no current pathway(s), but for which efforts will be pursued towards addressing that challenge, subject to certain assumptions or conditions.

Featured presentations

I’m Graham Kerr, CEO of South32

We have successfully transformed our portfolio towards the commodities critical to a low-carbon future and we are investing to unlock value across both existing operations and at our high-quality growth options."
Mr Graham Kerr smiling

Investor calendar

Key dates for your calendar

Annual General Meeting

24 October 2024

Delivering on our purpose

Delivering on our purpose

We’re committed to making a difference by developing natural resources, improving people’s lives now and for generations to come. We are trusted by our owners and partners to realise the potential of their resources.


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions